Scytl enables disenfranchised communities democratic participation

Aug 26, 2014

During the 23rd Annual Conference and General Assembly Meeting of the Association of European Election Officials (ACEEEO), Scytl will share its unique experience on how election management solutions  are helping organizations around the globe increase and improve participatory democracy, citizen empowerment and public transparency via innovative online technology. By helping plan an election from end-to-end and catering not only to logistic needs, Scytl´s best practices allow organizations to keep accessibility of disenfranchised communities such as  the disabled, overseas and women realize their full potential in their right to vote and overall democratic participation on equal terms.

During the plenary session on September 5, 2014, over 200 election officials and experts around the globe will benefit from the insight on how Scytl´s leading edge and innovative technology is:
•    Helping women realize their full potential in the democratic process via accessible and customized Online Training and eLearning platforms, eDemocracy portals and Online Voting solutions.
•    Supporting electoral organizations around the globe in their end-to-end election planning via innovative and lead-edge technology.

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